Helen Lineberry: Notes for an Art History — Part 5

Pictured above on the left is a portrait Helen made of her husband, Albert Lineberry Sr. believed to be made with ink and gouache on paper. On the right is a photograph taken of Helen as new mother in Asheville, NC. By the 1950s, another vector of critical debate is signaled in portraiture: namely, Helen’sContinue reading “Helen Lineberry: Notes for an Art History — Part 5”

Helen Lineberry: Notes for an Art History – Part 4

During World War II, Helen and many other women were suddenly called to the workforce as men served in the U.S. Military. Helen remained in Asheville and went to work as an office clerk in the downtown Grove Arcade, which remains there to this day. An abundance of letters between Helen and Albert now sitContinue reading “Helen Lineberry: Notes for an Art History – Part 4”

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